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Sql Command To Find Alternate Extension In Unity
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By default, mysqldump writes information as SQL statements to the standard output. You can save the output in a file: shell mysqldump arguments filename. To dump all databases, invoke mysqldump with the -all-databases option: shell mysqldump -all-databases dump.sql. The semi colon is required when running the SQL statements in a SQL script or at the SQL Command Line prompt, but it is optional on the SQL Commands page. Select (highlight) the SQL statement that you want to run, then click Run to run the statement and display the results. Using SQL Command History. Commands you have executed are stored in the command history regardless of whether you explicitly save them. You use SQL Command History to access commands you have executed in SQL Commands. Topics in this section include: Accessing a Command from Command History. About the History Pane.

Case insensitive SQL SELECT query FAQ: How do I issue SQL SELECT queries while ignoring case (ignoring whether a string is uppercase or lowercase)? BackgroundWhen I first started writing SQL queries I was using, and used some of their custom regular expression capabilities to perform case-insensitive queries.

That seemed like a good idea at the time, but when I tried to move my application to a database, a portion of my application no longer worked. After some debugging I remembered that I had used Postgreql-specific query capabilities, so I had to re-write that portion of the code to work with MySQL.To save you some of that grief, the following examples show how to write case-insensitive SQL SELECT queries using SQL standard syntax. The queries shown should work with most, if not all, SQL 92 compliant databases. A very important caveatPlease note that there is one VERY IMPORTANT thing to say about the approach shown:These queries force your database to perform a table scan.

This means that if you have an index on the column that you’re searching, that index won’t be used. So if you have a billion records in your table, this approach will force the database to look at all one billion records.

Overview of SQLSQL is nonprocedural language for accessing a database. You run SQL statements commands to perform various tasks, such as retrieving data from tables in Oracle Database XE.

The SQL language automatically handles how to navigate the database and perform the desired task. All database operations are performed using SQL statements.With SQL statements you can perform the following:.Query, insert, and update data in tables.Format, perform calculations on, store, and print from query results.Examine table and object definitionsOracle SQL statements are divided into several categories:.Data Manipulation Language (DML) statementsThese statements query, insert, update, and delete data in tables.Transaction Control statementsThese statements commit or roll back the processing of transactions. A group of changes that you make is referred to as a transaction.Data Definition Language (DDL) statementsThese statements create, alter, and drop database objects.A statement consists partially of SQL reserved words, which have special meaning in SQL and cannot be used for any other purpose. For example, SELECT and UPDATE are reserved words and cannot be used as table names. For a list of SQL reserved, see.A SQL statement is an instruction. The statement must be the equivalent of a complete SQL sentence, for example:SELECT lastname, departmentid FROM employees.

Running SQL StatementsYou can enter and run SQL statements with the SQL Commands page, Script Editor page, or SQL Command Line (SQL.Plus).Using the SQL Commands and Script Editor pages are described in this section. The SQL Commands page is a simpler interface and easier to use.Both SQL Commands and Script Editor pages enable you to save your SQL statements as a script file in a database repository for future use. You can run multiple SQL statements in the Script Editor page. Script Editor also enables you to download the script to the local file system, which can be run as a SQL script with SQL Command Line. For information about running SQL statements or SQL scripts with SQL Command Line, see.This section contains the following topics:. Running SQL Statements on the SQL Commands PageTo enter and run SQL statements in the SQL Commands page:.Log in to the Database Home Page. To run the examples in this guide, log in as user HR with your password for the HR account.On the Database Home Page, click the SQL icon to display the SQL page.Click the SQL Commands icon to display the SQL Commands page.On the SQL Commands page, enter the SQL statements in.

Note that SQL statements are terminated with a semi colon (;) in the examples. The semi colon is required when running the SQL statements in a SQL script or at the SQL Command Line prompt, but it is optional on the SQL Commands page.Select (highlight) the SQL statement that you want to run, then click Run to run the statement and display the results.If you want to save the SQL statements for future use, click the Save button.In the Name field, enter a name for the saved SQL statements. You can also enter an optional description. Click the Save button to save the SQL statement.To access saved SQL statements, click the Saved SQL tab and select the name of the saved SQL statement that you want to access. Running SQL Statements in the Script Editor PageYou can enter SQL statements on the Script Editor page and create a SQL script that can be saved in the database.

Sql Command To Find Alternate Extension In Unity

The script can be downloaded to the local file system, and can be run from SQL Command Line (SQL.Plus). For information about running SQL scripts from SQL Command Line, see.To access and run SQL statements on the SQL Script Editor page:.Log in to the Database Home Page. Displaying Data Using the SELECT StatementWith the SQL SELECT statement, you can query and display data in tables or views in a database.shows how to use SELECT to retrieve data from the employees and departments tables. In this example, the data for all columns in a row (record) of the tables are retrieved using the wildcard (.) notation. Note the use of comments to document the SQL statements. The comments (or remarks) in this example begin with two hyphens ( -), but you can also use rem or REM.

Example 3-1 Using the SQL SELECT Statement to Query All Data From a Table - the following uses the wildcard. to retrieve all the columns of data in- all rows of the employees tableSELECT. FROM employees;- the following uses the wildcard. to retrieve all the columns of data in- all rows of the departments tableSELECT. FROM departments;shows how to use SELECT to retrieve data for specific columns of the employees and departments tables. In this example, you explicitly enter the column names in the SELECT statement. For information about the columns in the employees and departments table, see.

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Using a Column Alias to Change Headings When Selecting DataWhen displaying the result of a query, SQL normally uses the name of the selected column as the column heading. You can change a column heading by using a column alias to make the heading more descriptive and easier to understand.You can specify the alias after the column name in the SELECT list using a space as a separator. If the alias contains spaces or special characters, such as number sign # or dollar sign $, or if it is case-sensitive, enclose the alias in quotation marks ' '.shows the use of a column alias to provide a descriptive heading for each of the columns selected in a query. Table 3-1 Comparison Operators OperatorDefinition=,!=, Test for equal to, not equal to, not equal to, =. Using Regular Expressions When Selecting DataRegular expressions enable you to search for patterns in string data by using standardized syntax conventions.

A regular expression can specify complex patterns of character sequences.You specify a regular expression with metacharacters and literals. Metacharacters are operators that specify search algorithms. Literals are the characters for which you are searching.The regular expression functions and conditions include REGEXPINSTR, REGEXPLIKE, REGEXPREPLACE, and REGEXPSUBSTR.

Shows some examples of the use of the regular expression functions and conditions. Sorting Data Using the ORDER BY ClauseYou can use SELECT with the ORDER BY clause to retrieve and display rows from a table ordered (sorted) by a specified column in the table.

The specified column in the ORDER BY clause does not have to be in the SELECT list of columns that you want to display.You can specify the sort order as ASC for ascending or DESC for descending. The default sort order is ascending, which means:.Numeric values are displayed with the lowest values first, such as 1 to 999.Character values are displayed in alphabetical order, such as A first and Z last.Date values are displayed with the earliest value first, such as 01-JUN-93 before 01-JUN-95.Null (empty) values are displayed last for ascending sequences and first for descending sequences.shows how to use SELECT with the ORDER BY clause to retrieve and display rows from the employees table ordered (sorted) by specified columns. Example 3-7 Selecting Data With the SQL ORDER BY Clause to Sort the Data - the following retrieves rows with managerid = 122 ordered by employeeid- the order is the default ascending order, lowest employeeid displays firstSELECT. FROM employees WHERE managerid = 122 ORDER BY employeeid;- the following retrieves rows ordered by managerid- the order is specified as descending, highest managerid displays firstSELECT employeeid, lastname, firstname, managerid FROM employeesORDER BY managerid DESC;See for the use of ORDER BY with the GROUP BY clause. Displaying Data From Multiple TablesYou can use SELECT to display data from multiple tables. This process is referred to as joining tables.

In a join, rows from multiple tables are usually linked by similar columns.Joining tables is useful when you need to view data that is stored in multiple tables. For example, the employees table contains employee information with a column of department IDs, but not the department names. The departments table contains columns for department IDs and names.

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By joining the tables on the department ID, you can view an employee's information with the corresponding department name.There are several types of joins, including self, inner, and outer. A self-join joins a table to itself. Is an example of a self- join. An inner join (sometimes called a simple join) is a join of two or more tables that returns only those rows that satisfy the join condition. Any unmatched rows are not displayed in the output. And are examples of inner joins. An outer join extends the result of a simple join.

An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and also returns some or all of those rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the join condition. There are three types of outer joins: LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, and FULL OUTER. Shows examples of a outer joins.When you retrieve data from multiple tables, you can explicitly identify to which table a column belongs.

This is important when tables contain columns with the same name. You can use the complete table name to explicitly identify a column, such as employees.employeeid, or a table alias. Note the use of the table aliases ( d, e, and l) to explicitly identify the columns by table in the SQL statement in. The alias is defined in the FROM clause of the SQL statement. A table alias is used, rather than the table name, to simplify and reduce the size of the SQL code.You can join two tables automatically on all the columns that have matching names and datatypes using the NATURAL JOIN syntax as shown in. This join select rows from the two tables that have equal values in the matched columns.

If the columns with the same name have different datatypes, an error results. Example 3-8 Selecting Data From Two Tables With the SQL NATURAL JOIN Syntax - the following SELECT statement retrieves data from two tables- that have a corresponding column(s) with equal values- for employees and departments, matching columns are departmentid, manageridSELECT employeeid, lastname, firstname, departmentid,departmentname, managerid FROM employeesNATURAL JOIN departments;is an example of querying data from joined tables using the JOIN. USING syntax. The first SELECT joins two tables, and the second SELECT joins three tables. With the JOIN. USING syntax, you explicitly specify the join columns. The columns in the tables that are used for the join must have the same name.

Note that the table alias is not used on the referenced columns. Example 3-11 Self Joining a Table With the SQL JOIN ON Syntax - the following SELECT statement retrieves data from the employees table- to display employeeid and lastname, along with managerid and lastname- of the employee in a self-join- note that the employees table has been aliased to e and mSELECT e.employeeid empid, e.lastname emplastname, m.employeeid mgrid,m.lastname mgrlastnameFROM employees e JOIN employees m ON e.managerid = m.employeeid;shows how to use outer joins. Using Bind Variables With the SQL Commands PageYou can use bind variables with the SQL Commands page to prompt for values when running a SQL statement, rather than supplying the value when the statement is created. Bind variables are prefixed with a colon. You can choose any name for the bind variable name, such as:b,:bindvariable, or:employeeid. For example, you could enter and run the following statement in the SQL Commands page:SELECT. FROM employees WHERE employeeid =:employeeidWhen you run a statement with a bind variable in the SQL Commands page, a window opens prompting you for a value for the bind variable.

After entering a value, click the Submit button. Note that you might need to configure your Web browser to allow the popup window to display.For information about using bind variables with PL/SQL, see. Using Pseudocolumns, Sequences, and SQL FunctionsWith SQL built-in functions, you can manipulate character, numeric, and date data in SQL statements to change how the data is displayed or to convert the data for insertion in a column of a table.

You can also perform operations on a collection of data with aggregate functions.Pseudocolumns are built-in values that provide specific information with a query and are similar to functions without arguments. However, functions without arguments typically return the same value for every row in the result set, whereas pseudocolumns typically return a different value for each row.This section contains the following topics:. Using ROWNUM, SYSDATE, and USER Pseudocolumns With SQLA pseudocolumn is similar to a table column, but is not stored in a table. A pseudocolumn returns a value, so it is similar to a function without argument. Oracle Database XE provides several pseudocolumns, such as the ROWNUM, SYSDATE, and USER. The ROWNUM pseudocolumn returns a number indicating the order in which Oracle Database XE selects the row in a query.

SYSDATE returns the current date and time set for the operating system on which the database resides. USER returns the name of the user name that is currently logged in.shows the use of the SYSDATE pseudocolumn. Note the use of the DUAL table, which is automatically created by Oracle Database XE for use as a dummy table in SQL statements. See for another example of the use of SYSDATE. Using Arithmetic OperatorsYou can use arithmetic operators to create expressions for calculations on data in tables. The arithmetic operators include:.Plus sign + for addition.Minus sign - for subtraction.Asterisk.

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for multiplication.Slash / for divisionIn an arithmetic expression, multiplication and division are evaluated first, then addition and subtraction. When operators have equal precedence, the expression is evaluated left to right. It is best to include parentheses to explicitly determine the order of operators and provide clarity in the expression.shows the use of arithmetic operators in expressions with the data in the employees table.

Note the use of a column alias to provide a more descriptive heading for the displayed output. Example 3-18 Using SQL Character Functions - you can use the UPPER function to display uppercase data, LOWER for lowercaseSELECT employeeid, UPPER(lastname), LOWER(firstname) FROM employees;- you can use the INITCAP function to display uppercase only the first letterSELECT employeeid, INITCAP(firstname), INITCAP(lastname) FROM employees;- you can use RTRIM and LTRIM to remove spaces from the beginning or end of- character data. Using Conversion FunctionsOracle Database XE provides a set of conversion functions that for use in SQL statements to convert a value from one datatype to another datatype.

For example, you can convert a character value to a numeric or date datatype or you can convert a numeric or date value to a character datatype. Conversion functions are useful when inserting values into a column of a table and when displaying data.When converting a value, you can also specify a format model. A format model is a character literal that specifies the format of data. A format model does not change the internal representation of the value in the database.shows how to use the character conversion function with format models. Example 3-22 Using SQL Date Conversion Functions - the following converts the character string to a date with- the specified format modelSELECT TODATE('27-OCT-98', 'DD-MON-RR') FROM DUAL;- the following converts the character string to a date with- the specified format modelSELECT TODATE('28-Nov-05 14:10:10', 'DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI:SS') FROM DUAL;- the following converts the character string to a date with- the specified format modelSELECT TODATE('January 15, 2006, 12:00 A.M.' , 'Month dd, YYYY, HH:MI A.M.'

)FROM DUAL;- the following converts a character stirng to a timestamp with- the specified datetime format modelSELECT TOTIMESTAMP('10-Sep-05 14:00', 'DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS.FF')FROM DUAL;Be careful when using a date format such as DD-MON-YY. The YY indicates the year in the current century. For example, 31-DEC-92 is December 31, 2092, not 1992 as you might expect. If you want to indicate years in any century other than the current one, use a format model such as the default RR. Using Aggregate FunctionsAggregate or group functions operate on sets of rows to give one result for each group. These sets can be the entire table or the table split into groups.shows how to use aggregate functions on collections of data in the database. Aggregate functions include AVG, COUNT, DENSERANK, MAX, MIN, PERCENTRANK, RANK, STDDEV, and SUM.

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The GROUP BY clause is used to select groups of rows by a specified expression, and returns one row of summary information for each group. The HAVING clause is used to specify which groups to include, or exclude, from the output based on a group condition. The DISTINCT clause causes an aggregate function to consider only distinct values of the argument expression. The ALL clause, which is the default behavior, causes an aggregate function to consider duplicate values. Example 3-24 Using the SQL NVL Function - use the NVL function to substitute 0 for a NULL value in commissionpctSELECT commissionpct, NVL(commissionpct, 0) FROM employees;- use the NVL function to substitute MISSING for a NULL value in phonenumberSELECT phonenumber, NVL(phonenumber, 'MISSING') FROM employees;shows the use of the SQL NVL2 function. This function returns the second specified expression when the first expression is not NULL. If the first expression is NULL, the third expression is returned.

Example 3-26 Using the SQL CASE Function - CASE can compare a column or expression or search conditions, returning- a result when there is a match. CASE is similar to IFTHEN-ELSE logic.- In the following, the value of the hiredate column is compared against various- dates. When there is a match, the corresponding calculated result is returned,- otherwise the default calculated salary is returned.SELECT employeeid, hiredate, salary,CASE WHEN hiredate. Example 3-27 Using the SQL DECODE Function - DECODE compares a column or expression to search values, returning a result- when there is a match. DECODE is similar to IFTHEN-ELSE logic.- In the following, the value of the jobid column is compared against PUCLERK,- SHCLERK, and STCLERK.- When there is a match, the corresponding calculated result is returned,- otherwise the original salary is returned unchanged.SELECT employeeid, jobid, salary,DECODE(jobid, 'PUCLERK', salary.1.05,'SHCLERK', salary.1.10,'STCLERK', salary.1.15,salary) 'Revised Salary'FROM employees.

Adding Data With the INSERT StatementYou can use the SQL INSERT statement to add a row of data to a table. The data inserted must be valid for the datatype and size of each column of the table. See.shows how to use INSERT to add a row to the employees table.


In the first INSERT statement, values are inserted into all columns in a row of the table. In the second INSERT statement, values are inserted only into the specified columns of the table and the remaining columns are set to NULL. If the those remaining columns had been specified with a NOT NULL constraint for the table, an error would occur. For information about constraints, see. Using Data Definition Language Statements to Manage Database ObjectsData definition language (DDL) statements include CREATE, ALTER, and DROP to manage database objects. When managing database objects, the Object Browser page provides a Web-based user interface that can be used instead of SQL DDL statements.

See.In this guide, some basic SQL DDL statements are used in the code examples and a brief description of some DDL statements are discussed in this section.This section contains the following topics:. Example 3-34 Creating a Table With NOT NULL Constraints Using SQL - create a table with NOT NULL constraints in the HR schemaCREATE TABLE personalinfo (employeeid NUMBER(6,0) NOT NULL,birthdate DATE NOT NULL,socialsecurityid VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL,maritalstatus VARCHAR2(10),dependentsclaimed NUMBER(2,0) DEFAULT 1,contactname VARCHAR2(45) NOT NULL,contactphone VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,contactaddress VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL);For information about creating a table with the Object Browser page, see.

Creating and Dropping a Sequence With SQLA sequence is a database object that generates unique sequential values, often used for primary and unique keys. You can refer to sequence values in SQL statements with the CURRVAL and NEXTVAL pseudocolumns.To generate a sequence number, you call the sequence using the CURRVAL or NEXTVAL keywords. You must qualify CURRVAL and NEXTVAL with the name of the sequence, such as employeesseq.CURRVAL or employeesseq.NEXTVAL. Before you use CURRVAL for a sequence in your session, you must first initialize the sequence with NEXTVAL.shows how to create a sequence that can be used with the employees table.

The sequence can also be used with other tables. For more information about sequences, see.

Sql Command To Find Alternate Extension In Unity