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Blood Death Knight Mage Tower

Blood Death Knight Mage Tower
  1. Death Knight Mage Tower Appearance
  2. Frost Death Knight Mage Tower Questline
  3. Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Challenge

I'm at work now itching to get home and attempt some more but I had the most sucess last night after 15 tries with the following:Buffs/Consumables: Bear tartare (I will cry the day they nerf this). Other than that STR flask and pre-pot. I do have drums available for Kruul when I get to him.Gear: I'm fortunate enough to have 8 legendaries to chose from, sans-belt. I find the combo of Acherus drapes and Aggramar's boots the best for now. With the Cape+ams I can save a healing orb from Velen in order to eat one round of arcane adds channel aoe. Normally I use a haste stat stick and chrono but I swapped the stat stick for a ravaged seed pod.

Welcome to our Blood Death Knight guide for World of Warcraft — Battle for Azeroth (BfA) 8.2. Here, you will learn how to tank as a Blood Death Knight in both. Thank you for watching! Armory: WoWhead Guide: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=45416/the.

I may do some tries later today with an ornamental pearl or the ranged stun trinket from HOV which name escapes me right now. I also have the tank trinket and the dps trinket but I don't feel confident that losing a legendary slot here is worth it.Talents: using blood drinker for eyes which only take magic damage, bonestorm for adds, ossuary+foul bukwark, red thirst, and only really torn between the gorefiends reduction or tremble. I want to test tremble on the knockback eyes but I can confirm it does work on the inquisitor and the arcane adds.Strategy so far. Prepot, get as much damage on inquisitor until I get 4 stacks. Around then there is an eye that spawns that can be killed with one blood drinker or with 2x bloodboil.


I think I may do the ranged attack (forgot the name) and a blood boil and let this dots kill them while I focus on arcane adds and the main dude. Worst case I can drop a DND on them for more magic damage. I usually get to wave 4 or 5 with him 50% and die to a knockback/out of cooldown/overrun by adds so my dps may be too low for 903 equipped 934 weapon or I need to optimize. I'll be happy to answer any questions.

Hey man I got to their Kruul stage my one piece of advice is do not be afraid of the death and decay aura from the first boss. That's the way I killed him. At first I stay until 6 stacks he's at 75%. I run out and kill the 2 eyes that are up. I agro the adds then wait for them to nether storm and I go back to kill the boss and I drop him to at least 50% and continue to rinse and repeat that cycle. But just gotta kite in a circle because of the internals.

And NEVER double back or u might run into the infernals.

Death Knight Mage Tower Appearance

Agatha the Imp Mother is basically a two phase encounter. Phase one starts with Agatha in the centre of a long corridor (cave). Agatha herself has very few abilities, and really only has the one ability you need to worry about, Dark Fury.Dark Fury has two parts, first it’s an absorb shield, that not only absorbs damage but also prevents her from being interrupted. Secondly, while the shield is active she channels as spell that does increasing amounts of damage until it is interrupted. You need to break the shield then interrupt her before the damage gets out of hand. Dealing with Agatha herself is pretty straight forward, the challenge comes in dealing with Agatha as well as her small army of imps.The main thing to take away is, that this challenge is all about keeping the imps under control, if you prioritise adds over the boss you’ll find it goes a lot smoother.

Blood death knight mage tower appearance

There are four imps types you need to deal with, and I’d suggest prioritising them in the following order. Imp Servants: These imps spawn at the opposite end of the cave and run toward Agatha. Once in range they will both heal and buff Agatha.

Importantly, the buff they provide her lasts for the rest of the fight. In the video you can see that Imp Servants were my focus, I’d grip one so they were stacked on one another and cleave them down as fast as I could.2. Umbral Imps: These imps make Agatha immune to damage, which is obviously not a great thing.3.

Blood Death Knight Mage Tower

Smoldering Imps: These guys just cast a Fire Ball type spell, apparently the damage they do increases the longer they are alive, however they have relatively low HP so they were generally taken care of before I noticed any difference in their damage.4. Fuming Imps: These imps will run at you and then drop a ‘Plague Zone’ on the ground. A green circle of poison/plague.

Frost Death Knight Mage Tower Questline

You can move out of the poison to avoid the damage and you can kill these imps before they are in range to drop their load. Generally not an issue, but I could see how, if left unchecked, they could cause issues.In terms of talents, for me the three key talents for getting this down so quickly were Clawing Shadows, Defile and Ebon Fever. AoE is your friend here, so Ebon Fever and Defile are both handy in keeping the imps under control. Clawing Shadows is great for allowing you to deal damage at range, and there are times throughout the encounter where you’ll find this ability very handy.Gear wise I used a combination of Nighthold and Mythic Plus gear (908 iLvl). In terms of legendary items, I used the Death’s March helm and The Instructor’s Fourth Lesson bracers.

Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Challenge

As you can see in the video, I didn’t use Drums for heroism. I have to admit that the video attempt was my first of the mage tower cycle so it was the ‘free’ attempt (eg. Didn’t cost nether shards), so I’d zoned in before checking whether I had drums on me. If you have Drums, I’d recommend using them, same with food, flasks and pots. The fast you push the less likely you are to get overwhelmed by mechanics.As you can see in the video, my execution was far from perfect. While gear will definitely make the encounter more forgiving, you’ll still need to cover off the basics to get through unscathed.TL:DR version: Adds before Boss, move out of ground effects and boulders of doom, interrupt the right spell. Post navigation.

Blood Death Knight Mage Tower